Support EARTH HOUR!!!  

Posted by -NAZ-
March 27,

At precisely 8.30pm tonight, we should all turn off all the lights in our home

to show some support to one of the great cause of the year,


Though most of you might question the relevance of switching off all the lights

to overcome one of the greatest problem we're encountering today.

But why question it when there is exactly no harm done to ourselves in the process.

Yes, the act of switching off all the lights for a mere hour would not change the course

of global warming but it is more of a statement. A huge statement to everyone

in the world to act as a reminder on what we are dealing nowadays and how

crucial it is to be aware of it and act towards overcoming it.

So let us all lend our hands to this great cause so that in the future

we will not look back at the past and regret every second of it.


Green Zone  

Posted by -NAZ-
March 21,

At first we were planning to watch Alice in the Wonderland.
Unfortunately the tickets were sold out even for both 3D and the normal one.
So we end up watching Green Zone at the TGV cinemas in One Utama.

The movie for me was kind of boring at first because I was practically
clueless of what they where talking about. Especially when they kept saying WMD.
Which I eventually realised that it stands for weapons of mass destruction.
I think this is the first movie based on a war that I've watched before.
Nothing special about it. I was bored at the beginning until the actions
starts to kick into gear sometime in the middle of the movie.
All in all the movie was good enough for us to kill some time
away from all the workload we have waiting to be settled back home.

After the movie we walked and walked around the mall aimlessly
and we passed by a game store. Surprisingly they sell PC games!
So I entered without any hesitation and bought this :-

Yeah, I know I'm a Sims 3 freak!
I've been addicted to the sims game since I was small.
But this version is just an add on to the game and not a suspension pack.
So it only cost me RM 50 which is the standard price as it is original.

Later we hanged out at Big Apple Donuts & Coffee for a while
and I ate one of the doughnut which is so delicious! :P

This is the doughnut I ate :-

- I know you guys are practically drooling over this picture -

Deus Ex  

Posted by -NAZ-
March 20,

I was browsing in the Gamespot website to see what are the upcoming games.

And one of it was the game Deus Ex 3. So I've never played the previous 2 games of Deus Ex before.

But when I watched the trailer for the game it looks pretty damn awesome! :P

The game is available for PC, Xbox 360, and PS3.

Enjoy the trailers of the game below and tell me what you think of it.

-Release Date : September 2010-

World Adventures!  

Posted by -NAZ-
March 17,

I finally bought the game The Sims 3 World Adventures! I bought it like last Sunday at Sunway Piramid. This game was out for quite a long time already actually. If I'm not mistaken it was out sometime in September 2009. But obviously it arrived in Malaysia much later than the official release date. I searched for the game last year and it was nowhere to be found so I gave up for a while. Then there were exams end of last year up to the whole January whereby I had no chance at all to waste my time in finding this game :P. Finally after a long anticipation for the game I had the chance to go to Sunway (which is quite far from my home) and finally bought it. After I bought it, there was a sticker on the plastic of the game which showed the distributor of the game. Guess what?? The place of the distributor is freaking close to my house! WTF!! From now on I can easily buy any game I want without having to go the extra mile for it.

As of now, I have only played the game for a while. So there is not much that I can say about it besides than the fact that the 3 different worlds which is located at France, China and Egypt is so freaking awesome. There is more that we can do out of the game with this expansion pack.

p/s: Do any of you watch the current American Idol? I am so rooting for Siobhan Magnus!!! XD

Mandarin Oriental  

Posted by -NAZ-
March 14,

Yesterday I went to the Mandarin Oriental hotel which is just beside the KLCC
as there was a Top London University exhibition. There was only four universities
which includes Imperial College London, UCL, King's College and LSE.

When I first went in the hotel I was so mesmerized by the grandeur place that it is.
I think its the most luxurious hotel that I have been in before. It was so high class
that I even felt like I was not dressed properly for the occasion nor the place :P

Since I applied for both Imperial and UCL I thought I could enquire more regarding
my offer or even my course. It turns out the representatives are only there to answer
questions regarding the general prospect of the university. So basically the
exhibition is somehow pointless for me since I have already
known quite a lot about the universities.

I was at the exhibition for about half an hour or so only and then we went to another
exhibition which showcases the condominiums and apartments that are
recently built in London. Spent a long time there and I was damn bored.

p/s : Finally decided to retake 4 papers which totals up to 12 papers that I'm
going to take for the upcoming exam


Posted by -NAZ-
March 13,

A few days back, results were out and even before that I've registered
the papers I'm planning to take during the upcoming exams in May.
So now I have to decide which papers among the ones I registered that I'm going to drop.
In other words which papers am I going to be taking in the exam. (Am I confusing you guys?)

The papers that should be taken in this final semester totals up to 8 papers that is :-

2 Maths papers
2 Biology papers
2 Chemistry papers
2 Physics papers

So currently I am still thinking and deciding which papers to retake.
At first I intended to retake 3 papers which I previously gotten a B in.
Then I felt like it was too much and thought 2 papers should be enough.
But when I had a chance to look at the proposed timetable for the upcoming exam,
it seemed reasonable to retake up to 4 papers since the timing between the
papers are quite evenly spread. Now as I am typing this post, retaking 4 papers
which would total up the amount of papers I am taking to 12 papers is just
overly ambitious!

Am I biting off more than I can chew?

Seriously can't decide and I confronted my parents and they just said
as long as I can cope with it, it would be fine. I need to do some serious thinking now.
Never mind, I'll be seeing my lecturers this Monday anyway and see what they think of it.

- Doing it for the straight A's!!! -

You Get What You Deserve  

Posted by -NAZ-
March 11,

The title to this post tells you a lot actually.
Personally I seriously do feel that what you get is only what you deserve.
It can either be in your studies as a student or even in one's career.

As you guys might know based on my previous posts that today my 2nd sem results came out.
I took 11 papers and out of that I got..... *drum rolls* :P

8A's , 2B's ,1C

I am equally satisfied with my results although I know I could do much better.
But its done and it actually turned out as I expected except for the B in Bio Unit 4
which was really sad as I thought I did well in it (overconfident??).
The other B is from C3 Maths and the marks is like 79/100. 1 more mark to A. WTF!!
Getting a C in Physics Unit 4 is very much expected as the paper was freaking hard!
Never mind, I'll be resitting the paper and I hope I can get a higher mark.
Another unexpected result was from Chemistry Unit 4 as I thought I messed up the paper,
but turns out I got an A! WOopdeeDOo!

I'm grateful at how my results turned out to be because I really put a lot of effort
in it and I studied like crazy for all the papers.

So yeah I do feel this is what I deserved to get and I will accept it with open arms
and just do what I need to do in order to excel in the future.
No point in crying over spilled milk anyway right?

Sweaty Experiment?!?!  

Posted by -NAZ-
March 09,

Today was like any other day as a college student except for the fact that
we had a bit different biology experiment. Usually we would
just have to do an experiment within the lab itself but today we were
everywhere but the lab. Most of us were at the staircases. We were timing,
panting, sweating! And doing a whole lot of repetition. Guess what?
We had to do an exercise experiment today! YAY! *sarcasm*
Basically its because we had to measure our pulse and breathing rate
which lead us to the exercise. It was just a normal exercise actually
but it was so damn uncomfortable as we're not dressed accordingly for it.
Adding to the fact that at the staircase it was poorly ventilated and with all
this hot spells going on now and what not, it just made it worse.
(OK I'm just complaining here & making a big deal out of it, but just bear with me! :P)
So we completed the experiment drenched with sweat! *exaggerating*
But it wasn't all that bad. Thank god for airconds!! XD

p/s: 2 days until my 2nd sem exam results will be out (same day as SPM results)

- I feel so blissful right now -

Total Abandonment!  

Posted by -NAZ-
March 08,


Ok how long has it been since my last post? *looks at the post below*
Like 5 months or so?? To be honest there was so much procrastinating on my behalf
regarding the postage on this blog. I had a big exam at the end of last year anyway (excuses) :P

Moving on! Today I had a sudden urge to finally open my blog
and I felt that I had so much things that I can write about.
So these are some of the stuff that happened for the past 5 months :-

Firstly I had my 2nd sem exams end of last year.
I had to take up to a whopping 11 papers!!! That's crazy wei!!
There was seriously so many things to study. A-levels is SO NOT EASY!!!
I felt good for most of it but not for the Unit 4 papers.
But what's done is done. huhu~~

So this week my results will be out on thursday.
Unlike my 1st sem results, these results will probaby be displayed somewhere in college.
Out in the open for everyone to see! Public Humiliation MUCH!!
Or maybe they will just give us the exam slips. (hopefully!!)

As some of you might know, I applied for UCAS which is for UK universities.
And I had replies from most of the uni!
I had a conditional offer from University of Manchester first.
Conditional offer being that I have to be able to get the required grades set by the uni first
before I can be given a place there. They asked for AAB grades.

Then I had another conditional offer from University College London(UCL)!!
I was so damn happy when I knew about this!
UCL is like one of the top uni. in the world and somemore its in London! Damn nice.
The condition was AAB which was quite ok.
On the same day I had another conditional offer from University of Birmingham
and they set a condition of BBB(this would totally be my insurance choice).

All of the previous offers are for Biotechnology course.
Then the most recent one was from Cardiff University.
But they offered me a Molecular Biology course since they replied to me earlier saying that
Biotechnology course wont be held for the coming intake. WTH!!
Nevertheless they asked for ABB grades.

So basically I had 4 conditional offers as of now.
And I'm still waiting for the reply from Imperial College London. This was my first choice.
Out of all the offers I can only choose 2 to reply to.
1 firm choice and 1 insurance choice.

Currently I'm trying to apply for any available scholarships related to my course.
It would seriously relieve some of the burden from my parents if I can get scholarship.

So I guess I've talked a bit too much this time around. haha!
Until the next post.

Selamat Hari Raya!!!  

Posted by -NAZ-
September 19,

Greetings to everyone who dropped by.

As tomorrow will officially be Hari Raya Aidilfitri
I just want to wish every muslims out there


Hope everyone will have a good celebration this year
with all of your loved ones :)