Support EARTH HOUR!!!

The movie for me was kind of boring at first because I was practically
After the movie we walked and walked around the mall aimlessly
Yeah, I know I'm a Sims 3 freak!
I've been addicted to the sims game since I was small.
But this version is just an add on to the game and not a suspension pack.
So it only cost me RM 50 which is the standard price as it is original.
Later we hanged out at Big Apple Donuts & Coffee for a while
and I ate one of the doughnut which is so delicious! :P
This is the doughnut I ate :-
I was browsing in the Gamespot website to see what are the upcoming games.
And one of it was the game Deus Ex 3. So I've never played the previous 2 games of Deus Ex before.
But when I watched the trailer for the game it looks pretty damn awesome! :P
The game is available for PC, Xbox 360, and PS3.
Enjoy the trailers of the game below and tell me what you think of it.
-Release Date : September 2010-
Am I biting off more than I can chew?
p/s: 2 days until my 2nd sem exam results will be out (same day as SPM results)
- I feel so blissful right now -
Ok how long has it been since my last post? *looks at the post below*
Moving on! Today I had a sudden urge to finally open my blog
Firstly I had my 2nd sem exams end of last year.
So this week my results will be out on thursday.
As some of you might know, I applied for UCAS which is for UK universities.
Then I had another conditional offer from University College London(UCL)!!
All of the previous offers are for Biotechnology course.
So basically I had 4 conditional offers as of now.
Currently I'm trying to apply for any available scholarships related to my course.
So I guess I've talked a bit too much this time around. haha!