Mr. L  

Posted by -NAZ-

Hey you guys!! I now it has been a long time since I have posted anything on my blog. I think its like 2 or 3 days already.huhu. This is only because I am too tired to even bother to open my blog this few days =P. Now I would like to share a story about this person which is my lecturer, my Physics lecturer actually.

He have taught me Physics like for more than a month already and most of the time when we had Physics with him its not always fun nor is it interesting. Most of the time we(as in me and my classmates against Mr. L) actually fight against each other. Its not like the actual fight, its just like mocking each other in a way to defend our dignity. You know why is this happening? Its all because of this Mr L guy whom is sooo damn RUDE, RACIST, and also a person who Look down on others. Before this I can still put up with his attitude of criticizing others and mocking my Indian classmates in a way which raises the racial issues, but now I can't stand it anymore. It all started when we had our lab practical on last Thursday which was really full of c**p. This is mainly because Mr L made fun of one of my Indian friends again and he was so pissed off so he fought back until Mr. L can't even fight back and it all resolve with Mr. L showing the middle finger to him(well kind of la). Its like his trademark, its not really showing the middle finger but only showing the other 4 fingers except the middle finger and he will usually ask to fill in the blank. It's sooo lame actually as when you fill in the blank it will be like a high five or something. lol. Then we had the experiment and there was a person who asked him about something and all of a sudden he went all berserk at us. So we were all like what the hell???? Then we were all like is he like having mood swings? Attacked by PMS??? hahahaha. So its quite a frustrating experiment actually as most of the question asked can't be solved and he didn't even teach us properly on how to solve it. He just write it on the white board and give a brief explanation about it and expect all of us would understand it. And then when we ask him again as it is normal to Physics being a bit complicated sometimes, he will like make a face of disbelief at us and then he will sigh at us and show us the working half-heartedly. So most of us were like pissed off that day and I gave up on doing the questions earlier than some of my classmates and just walk out of the class when it is all over. So that's it about the guy.

This entry was posted on Saturday, February 14, 2009 and is filed under , . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .



if me pown..
mmg geram gler ade lcturer mcm uh...
u tgk bnyk movies x??
yg stdents knekn da lecturer??
now its time 4 u to use it..
biar dye kne sket..
(hish..jht gler i sruh fren bwat bnde god...)

bosanye lecturer cm2..heh

sabar je lar yea najib...huhu
nak wat cmne kan...
kalo ko wat pe yg didi cadanng tu pon ok gak...ngee~~~

aiyak!! dah ad phone baru?? congratzz,,,nanti kite kuarkan duet ko lagi blanje ak ye.. :p